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Reporting Approach


Managing Corporate Responsibility

The issues we manage under our Corporate Responsibility umbrella represent risks, opportunities and important external impacts we consider in our strategy and operations. Our approach is integrated into our business through Board of Directors oversight, officer-level leadership across relevant departments, and collaboration among dedicated teams of corporate responsibility professionals and subject matter experts throughout the company.

Managing Corporate Responsibility
Engaging Stakeholders

Engaging Experts and Stakeholders

Each year, we engage external stakeholders to understand where to prioritize our efforts, improve our strategy and evolve our reporting and disclosures. Prior to publication, our annual Sustainability Summary data and content are reviewed by senior executives, and select environmental calculations – such as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions – are externally assured by an independent third party.

Ensuring Comprehensive and Aligned Reporting

We seek to deliver a comprehensive reporting suite featuring consistent and comparable metrics. To do so, we align our reporting with several corporate responsibility frameworks. These include the Global Reporting Initiative standards, which we’ve aligned to since 2007, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board standards, the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures recommendations, and the CDP Climate Change assessment. Our reporting also aligns with the United Nations Global Compact and Sustainable Development Goals.  

Ensuring Reporting
Explore the links below to learn more about our reporting approach